Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Easter! Dolly Magazine April 1981

April 1981
Photography John Pinfold
Model Hanne Worsoe 
'No Sweat Dressing' fashion feature

Happy Dolly Easter to you!  And what better way to celebrate that festive time of the year when easter egg gorging reigns, than with a roller skating special (well in my mind anyhow) - perhaps as a way to burn off all that delicious, scrumptious chocolate!


  1. haha, it does look a bit big, but I still am a sweater dress fan at heart. :D

  2. the dark haired girl is kim taylor

  3. What a hoot to see this again. I was the April "rabbit" on the front cover. Hated it at the time (haunted me from every corner news stand for an entire month) - I so desperately wanted to be Ms Sophisticated Cheekbones on the cover of Vogue, but due to my round face I was cast as Miss Dolly!

    1. Oh how fabulous - that is you on the cover - so utterly adorable, but yes I can see how it'd be quite annoying to be typecast as the cutesy girl. I do love the cover though I must say. :)
